Yegor Klochikhin (Foresteppe)
Musician, sound artist and history teacher.

Graduated from the Humanities department of Novosibirsk State University (BA and MA). In 2017–2018 has taken an obligatory military service. Till 2020 has worked in physics and maths school of Novosibirsk Academic City. As Foresteppe has released several albums on russian and foreign labels. Foresteppe has played several tens of concerts in Novosibirsk, Moscow, Brussels and other cities in Russia and abroad. Participant of the festivals CTM Siberia, Fields, Aesthetics of the Sound («Эстетика звука»), Brusfest, New media Night («Ночь новых медиа»), Osoka («Осока») and others. Has composed the sound for the silent film "The girl with a box". Foresteppe is one of the creators of Shalash label («Шалаш»). Since 2017 is working on sound installations. Has been part of the 4th Ural industrial biennial (2017) and the festival "48 hours – Novosibirsk" (2019).

The topics Yegor raises in his artistic creations are history and memory, language and speech, influence of communication media on what is to be communicated. While being in the residence Yegor is planning to focus on field recording of different locations of Uktus hills (as a content) and on the work with magnetic film (as form and material).
Audio and visual performance online
About the research
How did the artist work in the art residence
Being a qualified historian, Yegor Klochikhin does not seek objectivity, neither knowledge nor perception. "The medium is the message" – the fundamental statement of Marshall McLuhan – literally works for the artist. When the sound recorded on an old tape is being reproduced, it drags a tail of crackles, hiss, hum. Likewise, natural sounds never play by themselves, separately, they exist in their own organic hierarchy.

At the residence, Yegor Klochikhin (Foresteppe) made field recordings of the Uktus region. As a result, there emerged an interactive sound portrait of the area.